It’s New Year’s Resolution time! Here are mine for 2024: Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash
So I’ve been reading a lot of this guy lately…
I’ve talked about the advantages to having a day job, as well as which day job to choose, and so today I want to talk about the one big disadvantage to that day job…
I know that a good amount of writing advice out there includes a rule somewhere that says something like, “Turn off the TV and write”…
Continuing with my travel essays series, this week I bring you: how a week in the tower room of a French chateau with my sister taught me the secret to family harmony.
I think I want to start journaling again, but I’m struggling with how.
I’ve finished one of my rare forays into nonfiction with Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert (she of Eat, Pray, Love fame), and…
I’ve been reading a lot of personal essays on blogs lately, so I thought I’d try my hand at it. First up: my true-life story about why Prague sucks.*
I thought it was just the US that was getting scarier and scarier. Not so, apparently.
Confession: when I first started writing *for real*, I honestly believed I only had a year or two of left of having to work a day job. “I’ll just stick it out until I finish this book,” I thought confidently. “I can deal with this until my glamorous writing career starts.”