Writing Tips: A Round-Up

Did you ever start writing a blog post only to realize you’d already written it?

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Take a Break

After NaNo, I was exhausted, and also a little lost in the forest that was my WIP…

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On NaNoWriMo Learnings

I mentioned before how I attempted to NaNo for the first time ever this year, and…

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Writing Tip: Pick Your Theme

In an attempt to get back to our regularly scheduled programming, I’m once more sharing a writing tip I’ve learned while drafting…

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Writers: Write the Right Story

In my early NaNoWriMo attempts this year, I discovered something I wanted to share…

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To NaNo or Not To NaNo: That Is The Question

November is coming. For some people, that means Thanksgiving and holiday shopping (if you’re a non-procrastinator, which I definitely am not.) For writers, it means something else….

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The Books that Taught Me the Most About: Plot

So I started writing a post about the books that have taught me the most as a writer. And I’m not talking about the “How to Write a Novel” books…

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Writers: Work on Multiple Projects

I have this habit…

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The Most Important Thing To Learn (in Writing and in Life)

When I was younger, I was a big planner. This has both helped and hurt my writing career, and here’s why…

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Writers: The Best Writing Advice You Will Ever Get

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