On Reality in Fiction

A funny thing happened in a writing class not too long ago, and I wanted to share…

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3 Ways To Find Critique Partners

Critique partners: do you need them?

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Editing Tip: On Receiving Feedback

I’ve been MIA! Apologies for the absence, but I finally MOVED last week, into an amazing duplex in Jersey City that feels positively palatial in comparison to the 375-square-foot apartment we left behind in Brooklyn Heights. It’s been an insanely stressful month, but yesterday as I was sitting on my deck, coffee and book in hand, […]

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You Can’t Rest on Good Writing

So I’m taking a writing class this summer at this fine institution. (It’s awesome. I highly recommend it.) The structure of the class is that each week, some students hand in writing submissions, and the next week you’re “workshopped”, meaning everyone tells you what they thought. When it was my turn, the teacher of the […]

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