On Shelving Books

And no, I’m not talking about organizing by color …

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In Which I Am Getting Published

I have NEWS… My book is going to be published!

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How To Find Time to Write With a New Baby (Part 1)

It’s been three whole months since I had a baby, and…

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The Query Letter That Landed Me My Literary Agent

To follow up on my literary agent post, I wanted to share my successful query letter!

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When You Can’t Seem To Finish What You Start

I’m having a problem…

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On Meeting (and Exceeding!) Your Weekly Writing Goals

For the first time in life, I’m actually sticking to my weekly writing goals. How?

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What To Do When You Have Writing Schizophrenia

I finished the (hopefully near final) draft of my second novel last week, and an interesting thing has been happening to me since then…

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How To Write Characters You Hate

Some writerly musings this Monday…

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One Weird Trick to Get Me In My Character’s Mindset

Just a quick writing tip for your Wednesday…

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Writers: Why You Need to Learn How to Give a Good Critique

I’ve written before about where to find critique partners but I wanted to touch on something just as important…

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