Writing Tip: Read in Your Genre, BUT…

I wrote about one of the most important writing tips of all a little while ago: the importance of reading in the genre you’re writing in. But I forgot one big caveat of this.

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Learning From The Masters: Setting the Scene

Time for another example of how the brilliant authors who came before me introduced readers to a setting without making it boring…

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Girl of Fire and Thorns

So after a 3-star book streak, I finally read a book I adored…

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My Year in Books

The 3 stars I wasn’t sure I was going to do this post because compared to last year, I was woefully inadequate–I only read 50 books this year compared to last year’s 60! I chalk that mainly up to this book and this one, each of which took me over a month to get through, thus leaving […]

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One Big Thing You Need To Write A Great Manuscript

So I’ve talked some about my own personal NaNoWriMo–attempting to write a first draft in three months, instead of one–and also about how I’m just a wee bit behind. (More specifically: my total word count is at about a third of what it should be.) But I don’t feel like a failure, because after 2+ […]

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Writing Tip: Read in Your Genre

So I’m in the process of writing my first YA fantasy novel, and something recently occurred to me…

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MK’s Book Reviews: Carry On

Confession: I’ve been an obnoxiously slow reader lately. Life has been getting in the way. But last night, I finally finished this book…

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