
The Good Things, March


Oh hey, it’s been a month. Has it been like that for you, too?

Despite my difficulties and stresses, there are still good things to celebrate. Without further ado:

A Good Bookish Thing I finished the Darker Shade of Magic trilogy and I have to say, the third book was the best of them all. If you like fantasy, read it!

A Good Entertainment-ish Thing  Another thing filed under #LateToTheParty, but I’ve discovered the greatest Harry Potter podcast out there. It’s called Unspoiled, and it’s hosted by two funny, smart women–one of whom has never read Harry Potter before (insert shocked face emoji). It’s so amazing to be reliving the series again through Roshawn’s eyes. This podcast has been giving me life during a difficult month, and I’m so grateful I just upped my Patreon pledge to Unspoiled.

A Good Writerly Thing Editing my little heart out on Swim. I’m nearly done … I think.

A Good Seasonal Thing Lots and lots of rain means I don’t have to feel bad huddling up indoors with books and writing and tea.

A Good Habit-Shifting Thing Only letting myself watch my TV shows at the gym. I talk more about that here but it’s made a huge difference in gym-going motivation.

A Good Delicious Thing Uova al pomodoroSo easy, so healthy, so yummy.

A Good Random Thing I had beer and pizza for dinner last night and it was glorious.

A Good Thing to Look Forward To I’m going to be an aunt again 😀

Image found here

Posted on Friday, 7 April 2017

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