
The Good Things (October Part I)


The week back from vacation can be rough..

It’s helped, though, that I’ve returned to my favorite month. Leaves falling, my birthday (which is not about getting old; it’s an excuse to gather all my favorite nearby people together), pumpkin-everything, sweater and hot beverage weather… as Anne of Green Gables says, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”

Some other good things:

A Good Bookish Thing

I finished both The Trespasser and Crooked Kingdom while on vacation. The former was incredible, and the latter was also quite good. Full review to come on Tana French’s latest; not sure if I’ll be reviewing Crooked Kingdom. At the risk of disagreeing with everyone, I didn’t like it as much as its predecessor. There’s a brief, spoiler-filled discussion on why going on on my Litsy (I’m wanderlustywriter) if you’ve read it and would like to join in.

Currently reading: The Walls Around Us, by Nova Ren Suma. It’s weird and I like it. So far.

A Good Entertainment-ish Thing

I’ve discovered another Buffy podcast, and am making my way, episode by episode, through the entire series. This one’s not quite as funny as the other, but incredibly smart and in-depth. At times I find myself nodding vigorously along; at other times,  yelling at my phone in vehement disagreement. I love being such a nerd 😀

A Good Writerly Thing

I took a long long writing break while away and now I’m having trouble getting back into it. I need to finish the first draft of the Play Story once and for all. Then I’m toying with the idea of NaNoWrMo-ing–for real–for the first time ever. Which means I have about a week to decide and try and outline one of my many (many!) Shiny New Ideas. Verdict TBD.

A Good Seasonal Thing

I already listed a lot of those, but if you want something more specific: the smell of smoke in the air. Reason number 995839 I don’t think I can happily live in a climate without fall.

A Good Habit-Shifting Thing

Baths. Baths. Baths are so good for me (and you). Take more.

A Good Delicious Thing

This autumn breakfast.

A Good Random Thing

Traditional Irish music. Look it up. Listen to it anytime you want to be cheered up. (Then wish your Irish ancestors weren’t so far in the past that you can’t apply for citizenship. Woe is me.)

A Good Thing to Look Forward To

My birthday gathering this weekend 🙂

Have a great weekend.

Image found here

Posted on Friday, 21 October 2016

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