
The Good Things (October, Part II)


Happy Friday. It’s been a week of lots of writing and too little sleep. It’s also been a week of slight panic at how “old” I am and how I haven’t accomplished some things (namely, marriage, children, and careers as authors) that others my age have…

I’m well aware that comparison is the death of happiness, or what have you, but that doesn’t stop the best of us from doing it in moments of insecurity anyway.

But life marches inexorably forward, so must I along with it. Some good things that made up my week:

A Good Bookish Thing

I finished The Walls Around Us, by Nova Ren Suma. It was bizarre and beautiful and disturbing. Highly recommended if that’s your cup of tea. Full review to come.

Currently reading: A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir, the much-anticipated follow up to this book, which was a 7/10 star book for me. So far, I find it a little action-and-gore heavy, but I have a ways to go. Here’s to hoping for some character development.

A Good Entertainment-ish Thing

I haven’t watched a television show in about a month, and since I officially decided to NaNo this year, I don’t expect that to change anytime soon. However I’m still going strong with my podcasts while I cook, clean, and commute (current faves here, here, and here. More suggestions welcome!)

A Good Writerly Thing

I am so close to finishing draft number 1 of book number 3 (The Play Story). I’m on the final scene! However, in attempting to conclude the story, I’m realizing I have WAY too many things I’m trying to say throughout the course of the book, which makes me want to go back and edit it down, but I’m not going to do that because it needs some breathing room before the next go-around. (Also, I’m due to start NaNo-ing in four days 😮 )

A Good Seasonal Thing

Splashing through the fall rain shower puddles in my boots.

A Good Habit-Shifting Thing

Less social media. More writing.

A Good Delicious Thing

Toasted pumpkin seeds with salt.

A Good Random Thing

My book birthday cake 😀

A Good Thing to Look Forward To

This dumb election ending. Seriously, I’m over it. (But still; go vote.)

Have a great weekend.

Photo by Harry Brewer on Unsplash

Posted on Friday, 28 October 2016

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