
The Good Things (September, Part IV)


This was a good week!

If you follow me regularly, you’ll recall my post last week about my cousin Brian. An update: not only has he woken up, he’s now able to move on his own and got out of bed to take a walk for the first time ever yesterday! He’s also able to respond when spoken to, eat on his own, and control his hand movements, for the most part. They still don’t know what exactly happened to him (which is somewhat baffling to me, but I’m not a doctor) and he still has a long ways to go in terms of regaining movement and speech. Thank you to everyone who prayed and wished him well and if you’re able to do so, please help contribute to his rehabilitation costs by donating here.

Some other good things:

A Good Bookish Thing

Currently reading Library of Souls, the third Miss Peregrine book. If possible, it’s even weirder and more disturbing than the first two. I am enjoying it, but am also looking forward to finishing it.

I also just ordered a slew of new books for my trip, despite telling myself that I had to finish all the books I already own before buying new ones. An exercise in futility, of course. (A post on how I decide what books to bring on vacation coming up next week!)

A Good Entertainment-ish Thing

More literary podcasts! I recently discovered Literary Disco. One of the people who runs it is Rider Strong, AKA Shawn from Boy Meets World, AKA one of the boys who decorated my walls in the mid nineties. His obsession with books and overall nerdiness may have reignited my love for him. (Just kidding. Sort of.)

A Good Writerly Thing

think I figured out the climax of The Play Story. Emphasis on think. Meanwhile I’m re-outlining and re-world-building (that’s a verb) the YA Fantasy I started then abandoned earlier this year when it got too hard. As I said, this was a good week.

A Good Seasonal Thing

‘Tis the season where all I wear is dresses and boots and cardigans, my favorite outfit ever.

A Good Habit-Shifting Thing

Sounds simple, but automatically setting my phone to dim at sunset every night may actually be helping me sleep better.

A Good Delicious Thing

Every once in awhile, there is nothing wrong with treating yourself in the morning to an egg and cheese on a toasted sesame bagel that’s so giant and filling you don’t need to eat anything else until dinnertime. One of the things I love about NY & NJ: said delicious sandwich is available on nearly every block at any given deli.

A Good Random Thing

I finally found the perfect dry shampoo.

A Good Thing to Look Forward To

Heading to a family wedding tonight (one of my favorite things to do EVER) and tomorrow we’re attending a pork festival or something in Jersey City where this vegetarian will be searching for some vegetable sides, or just drinking heavily.

Have a great weekend.

Photo by Jonathan Hazan on Unsplash

Posted on Friday, 23 September 2016

Filed under Blog, Life

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One response to “The Good Things (September, Part IV)”

  1. ForkInPage says:

    Fantastic news on Brian!! Prayers continued!!

    Ryder Strong is a book geek? I mean really!! He just for umpteenth times hotter.

    Good seasonal thing – that’s my favorite outfit as well!!

    Have fun at the wedding and looking forward to your blog about how you chose the books to travel with!

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