
Things Making Me Think


Happy Friday! How was your week?

Mine was stressful due to my lack of financial know-how + my tendency to leave things I hate doing to the last possible second, but I finished my stupid taxes! (And I’m getting money back. Huzzah.)

Here are the things that made me think, smile, laugh, and feel happy this week:

This is what I should have done to get my taxes done earlier. (Obsessed with this idea.)

Pure awesomeness.

Love love love this post.

This made me laugh so hard.

The group vacation guide.

Must make ASAP.

Please buy me all these things.

Oh, and I wrote this story! (And also modeled for it!)

Reading: This, which is super cute. A bit juvenile at times, but so am I.

Writing: The YA contemporary “play story”. I feel as though I’m still having the problem of feeling the need to write out what happens in between my scenes (“Thursday was a boring day at school, as was Friday, but then Friday night rolls around….”) Note to self: skip the boring parts. Even in the first draft.

Watching: On Season Two of this, though I may need a break soon. I keep jumping at small noises, thinking about alien abductions, when really it’s just my cat.

Listening to: Whatever random stuff they put on at work. I like working in an office where there’s music playing all day. (Except when it’s country.)

Cooking: I made the best blueberry coffee cake in the world for my friend’s birthday last weekend. It’s my grandma’s recipe, so old it called for “shortening” (I used plain old butter.) One of those days I’m going to become one of those people who takes gorgeous moody shots of the food they bake and posts recipes to go with them, but that day is not today.

Photo by Karly Jones on Unsplash

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