
Wanderlusty Wednesday: A Change of Plans


Remember how two weeks ago I said we’d decided to go to the Pacific Northwest for a road trip this year?

Well that’s not happening now, at least not this year, for various reasons (though I do still appreciate the suggestions I got and am filing them away for “someday”.) So instead we decided to go to … Ireland!


Well, we only have a week, the flights are cheap and direct from New York, I’ve only been once, to Dublin for the weekend on a total whim, my boyfriend’s never been, and also … why not?

(Also, Tana French‘s new novel is coming out two days before we leave, so if that isn’t a sign, I don’t know what is.)

The plan is to hang out in Dublin a bit, then rent a car and drive off into the great unknown (to us). So: anyone been to Ireland? Where did you go? Where did you stay? What did you do? We like off-the-beaten-path type adventures, nice people, and good food. Suggestions welcome!

Image (of the Cliffs of Moher) found here

edit: I just realized it’s Tuesday, not Wednesday. Clearly I need this vacation…

Posted on Tuesday, 20 September 2016

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8 responses to “Wanderlusty Wednesday: A Change of Plans”

  1. ForkInPage says:

    That sounds super exciting; I’ve always wanted to go.

  2. LeeLee says:

    How fun! Enjoy the trip.

  3. […] also just ordered a slew of new books for my trip, despite telling myself that I had to finish all the books I already own before buying new ones. An […]

  4. […] As promised, I want to combine two of my favorite things and talk about how I decide which books to bring with me when I travel… […]

  5. A says:

    I used to live in Donegal (northwest) and there is so much to see and do and eat. The Inishowen peninsula is the best part. Hike Malin Head. Eat at Harry’s or Kiely’s. Take the short ferry across the Foyle (into the UK) to Londonderry and see Mussenden’s Temple and beautiful Benone strand. Walk the walls of Derry City. A bus can take you from Dublin to Derry easy enough. Worth looking into if you’re into off the beaten path places. Would get in the way of your plans to go west though.

  6. […] recently got back from Ireland, and had an absolutely amazing time. I tend to gush about a good amount of my travel adventures, […]

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