
Wanderlusty Wednesday: Big Sur

10779692546_7703d01568_kI’ve been thinking a lot about camping lately, mostly due to this post on one of my favorite blogs (the first part of which I disagree with, by the way–there is nothing wrong with camping at campgrounds), and also due to the fact that it’s coming up on that time of year–my favorite camping experiences have happened in August and September.

So my travel advice for the day: if you ever do a drive up the Pacific Coast Highway (and you should) you absolutely must stop in Big Sur. We only had one night there because we were running behind schedule, but we spent it in this tiny adorable cabin at a campground (we didn’t do the real camping thing because we had no time to stop for the supplies) and it was magical and lovely and I wanted to stay there forever. It’s pricey, but beautiful, and I only wish we’d been able to spend more time there.

Posted on Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Filed under Blog, Traveling

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2 responses to “Wanderlusty Wednesday: Big Sur”

  1. Big Sur is definitely an amazing place but if you want the same type of scenery and experience but without the price and over population, head to point Reyes, or basically anywhere an hour or two north of Big Sur. Same beauty, about half the price and less touristy, also point Reyes houses a large number of wild elk that are often seen grazing near your camp 🙂

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