
“Where Are Your Travel Posts?”

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Still inside my head!

I’m never going to stop posting about travel in addition to reading and writing, so have no fear. Travel is important to me because I love it, because it enriches life, and because I think it helps humans develop empathy. (Think about how much ignorance would be stamped out in the US alone if people traveled more!)

But at this point in life I can’t travel extensively, because day job, and because writing career. I do want to write more travel essays, because travel provides experiences that just keep on giving to my story-making side — but lately, I haven’t had time.

For those of you who come here for more travel — I will make time soon.

For now, enjoy this lovely shot of the Chateau de Langeais, which I visited nearly one year ago as part of one of my favorite vacations ever.

Photo of the Chateau de Langeais taken December 14, 2015, by me.

Posted on Wednesday, 7 December 2016

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