
“Why Don’t You Post More Pictures of Yourself?”


I got asked this question the other day, and it made me think…

In the age of the insane amount of selfies, I admit I am not a frequent participant. My instagram consists of a lot of moody shots (and I am in some of them!) but overall, no, I don’t post a lot of photos of myself.


I think a lot of it has to do with my self-consciousness — inside I will always be an awkward-looking teenager — but also, of all the things I can do and contribute to the internets, I think my face is among the least interesting.

I interviewed this artist not too long ago named Felipe Pantone. In writing up the profile of him, I asked him for a picture of himself — and he declined. He told me he was very careful to keep images of his face off the internet, because:

I produce, like, ten visual things per week. My face is the least interesting thing of them all. I didn’t pick my face. I wish I could have picked it, but it is what it is. The work I make, I pick every single thing. I’m way more what I paint than what I look like.

(Full article on that super cool artist here.)

What he said just makes so much sense to me. We are a society obsessed with looks, and I’m not judging here — I’ve always been the first to swoon at the face of a particularly handsome boy, after all. But I think in the grand scheme of things, appearances are incredibly over-emphasized.

Like Pantone, I didn’t pick my face. I spent a long time wishing that I had been able to, even going so far as to save up for a nose job I thought I desperately needed when I was fifteen. Ultimately I grew more comfortable with my appearance, but it’s still not my favorite thing about myself — and I think that’s a good thing.

Looks don’t last. The things I value most about myself — my character, my words — do.

Photo of not me found here

Posted on Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Filed under Blog, Life

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8 responses to ““Why Don’t You Post More Pictures of Yourself?””

  1. ForkInPage says:

    I like how you think! Very interesting indeed… so if you had to choose what is the your most favorite thing about yourself?

    • I guess that I try and be a conscious, unselfish person and that I write. What about you??

      • ForkInPage says:

        I think my worst and best are both the same. Empathy for others. I’ve had rounds of depression over someone else’s problems. I deal with death very badly – I’ve had to be consoled by the grieving family because I literally couldn’t breathe. I get that it probably is a good thing I can feel what others are going through but it’s embarrassing at weddings and funerals and extremely painful on my heart and being.

        • Empathy is a blessing and a curse! But I truly believe the world would be a much better place if everyone would feel and practice empathy as much as they could. Maybe all this BS about “illegal aliens” could be avoided if people were able to look at them as people.

  2. gjseth says:

    I can agree. I appreciate you and your blog 🙂

  3. I love this, what a great great way to put it! Fantastic

  4. Rosie Adams says:

    Your pictures are so great! They really add to your blog.

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