
Zen Pencils


The other night I was talking to a friend of mine about wanting to quit my corporate job and write full time. It’s a wish I’ve had for years, that always ends with me talking myself out of it, because of money, stability, grass-is-greener syndrome, etc. So he sent me this.

It really struck home.

I am now a huge fan of this guy. Do yourself a favor and check out his stuff, if you haven’t already.

Posted on Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Filed under Blog, Life

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3 responses to “Zen Pencils”

  1. This was such an inspiring recommendation. There’s a large community of writers that you can find throug blogging and that can help you on your way of becoming a published author. It’s certainly possible to make a living from it. I did it, so you can too. Just never give up 😉

  2. Thanks so much for your comment! Finding like-minded people and fellow writers was the reason I started my blog. I’m deep in the trenches of querying and while I’m nowhere near to giving up, it can be discouraging, so I’m grateful for these bits of encouragement I get along the way.

  3. CC says:

    I have this thought everyday. I had a lifelong dream of being a writer, which I inexplicably (even to me) gave up when I was in college and decided to go pre-med. Now, after 12 years in a “successful” corporate career, I have found my way back to it through my blog. Thanks for the recommendation here, it’s nice to know that others are going through the same!

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